Gold - N° 1234567890
PIN code recovery 1/5

Did you forget your PIN code?

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If you have forgotter both your PIN code and your Flying Blue number, please contact the Flying Blue Service Centre to retrieve your Flying Blue number.

PIN code recovery 2/5

Did you forget your PIN code?


Please note that your answer must be an exact match, including upper and lower case letters.

Your temporary PIN code has been sent3/5

Your tempory PIN code
 has been sent

A temporary PIN code has been sent to your e-mail address. You will receive this e-mail within 15 minutes. To secure your account, you will be asked to enter a new PIN code.

Please note that your answer must be an exact match, including upper and lower case letters.

Change your temporary PIN code4/5

Change your temporary PIN code

Change PIN code
PIN code recovery5/5

Your PIN code has been
 successfully changed

You are currently signed in. Continue to your Flying Blue account.