Gold - N° 1234567890
Claim missing Miles

If for one reason or another you find yourself in a situation that Miles do not show up in your account, simply follow the insctructions below.

When and how can you claim Miles?

Miles transaction with Your Miles should be 
credited on your account Missing Miles can be claimed
Flight Within 2 weeks Between 2 weeks and 6 months after the flight date using the link below.
Other partners Within 2 weeks Between 2 weeks and 6 months after the flight date using the link below.

Miles transaction with Flights

Your Miles should be credited on your account Within 2 Weeks

Missing Miles can be claimed Between 2 weeks and 6 months after the flight date using the link below.

Miles transaction with Other patrners

Your Miles should be credited on your account Within 6 to 8 weeks

Missing Miles can be claimed Within 6 months of the transaction date by completing an online form and sending it to the partner together with all required documents.

As it sometimes takes a while before a Miles transaction is processed on your account, it is wise to keep a proof of your activities until your Miles balance is up to date.